Monday, December 3, 2007

My Online Life - Day 2

The sites I looked at:
Comment: This is almost a daily ritual now. I appreciate being able to engage with Dr. Weems on a pretty consistent basis and meeting some other cool sistas along the way. This site gives me the opportunity to contribute some quick, thoughtful writing about important issues.
Comment: I was really annoyed by this story. Why are people stealing hot water heaters and pipes out of people's homes? Don't they deserve heat and water? And what did you stealing get you in return?
Comment: This site offers a wealth of current research on black youth. Send people here who offer empty comments out of context about this "do-nothing" generation. This problem did not create itself. It started somewhere....
Comment: Just an impressive bio of diverse scholars.
Comment: More young, black and gifted!
Comment: Black Girls Rock! Power to Positive, Affirming Media. I was encouraged to find this effort on MySpace.
Comment: I've read one of her books back in the day. Glad to rediscover her again on myspace.
Comment: Definitely a candidate for Young, Black and Gifted. My hubby just bought her book. Impressed by the innovation of publishing on such a creative topic.

Monday, November 26, 2007

My Online Life -Day 1

I've decided to start taking stock of where my Web travels lead me each day. Someone sends me an e-mail, it leads me to a Web site. Or, I see something on television or here something on the radio and that leads me to a Web site, and another, and another.

It always seems to be an interesting journey what I view and where I end up:

On November 13, 2007 I looked at the following sites:

Comment: This is an exclusively online journalism site run by students at my alma mater. It's an impressive publication. Impressive that the students took it upon themselves to publish this and it is very content rich. On the day that I visited, I read a columnist's ode to the el and I reminisced about my days traveling the system as an undergraduate. I also read the article about Medill's curriculum changes (that's actually how I ended up at the site in the beginning). There's a lot of commentary right now on the future of The Medill School of Journalism (specifically whether the "Journalism" part is going to disappear).

Other sites I visited that day:

Comment: I was very excited by this conference and how blogging has allowed people of African descent to assert power in a very interesting way. There are amazing possibilities at what a conference like this could do at raising our voices. Also impressed by this being a grassroots effort and seemingly so well-planned at this early stage. I made a mental note to network here at a later date.

Comment: I surfed around a variety of topics here. At times, overwhelmed, but still excited by the volume of information. I made a mental note to network here at a later date.

Comment: This woman has a lot on her plate and still makes time to have a decent blog.

Comment: A much needed effort. Blogs allow people to do what the media doesn't always do.
Comment: I check this out for work. I'm always learning something new here.